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September 26, 2012

TriScale Scale In – An introduction to NetScaler SDX

One of 3 posts looking at the NetScaler TriScale messaging – Scale In (SDX only) If you’re not familiar with the difference between MPX & SDX very simply MPX offers a single NetScaler in a physical appliance. SDX offers multiple NetScalers in a single physical appliance. As organisations grow and look to support…
September 26, 2012

Up, in and out….Scale Out

SDX appliances now support clustering with 10.1 release. In the other ‘Up, In & Out’posts I’ve covered Scale Up and Scale In as part of NetScaler TriScale. Here’s an overview Scale Outwhich is available with a Cluster Licence on the MPX & VPX appliances. Scaling upMPX appliances has its limitations due to the actual hardware. Once an MPX7500 (1GB) has been upgraded…
September 24, 2012

NetScaler TriScale – Up, in and out…. Scale Up

In this post I’m looking at the messaging around NetScaler TriScale and more importantly if the marketing team at Citrix have just come up with a catchy tag line or if there’s any serious use cases… As the name suggests, TriScale offers three methods of scaleability for organisations that have…