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Rediscover the future of hybrid multi-cloud service delivery

The landscape of IT is constantly evolving, and in the quest for hybrid multi-cloud (HMC) service delivery efficiency and effectiveness, many organisations are re-discovering NetScaler’s consolidation advantage.

Recently, the NetScaler team invited cloudDNA Co-founder and CTO, Al Taylor, to join them for the second episode of the new The NetScaler Podcast series. It features industry leaders discussing cloud delivery challenges and the pivotal role NetScaler plays in meeting the dynamic demands of application delivery and security.

Watch the full Consolidation Advantage episode.

Find out more

To discuss with Al and the team how you can take advantage of app delivery consolidation and implement NetScaler across your organisation call us on 0330 010 3443 or email [email protected].

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Watch more episodes from The NetScaler Podcast series so far

NetScaler’s GM, Abhilash Verma discusses how application architectures are changing, the evolving threat landscape, and more.

cloudDNA’s Al Taylor highlights the benefits of consolidating app delivery and security infrastructure.

Jan Tytgat talks about the topic of content switching.