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Essential Guide: NetScaler Tech Update

Webinar - 14 February - 11am to 12.30pm

From the constantly evolving challenges of secure service delivery for hybrid workforces, to reliable, agile hybrid multi-cloud app delivery, with or without containers, there’s lots to talk about with NetScaler at the moment.

We’ve pulled together senior members of the NetScaler product team for a webinar on February 14th (I ❤️ NetScaler Day) at 11 am, for a NetScaler technical update session, when we’ll be discussing the new 14.1 feature enhancements, the new NetScaler Console and a giving a sneak peek at the complete revision to NetScaler product packaging and pricing that’s due to be announced in March.

We’ll also be taking a look at trending use cases, innovative ways other customers are using the platform to overcome service delivery challenges and digging into the increasingly popular topic of automation.

As it’s I ❤️ NetScaler Day, we’ll be spreading the love and sending out one of our legendary coffee mugs to all attendees that join us live on the day, plus there’ll be the opportunity to ask senior NetScaler product leadership and technical specialists questions in our closing Q and A.

Event has passed

Let's talk all things NetScaler


Complete revision to the NetScaler product portfolio and bundle offerings.

NetScaler Roadmap

What’s new and hot for 2024, the best bits of v14.1.

News and updates

There’s a lot of it.

Maximising your NetScaler investment

Expanding beyond the Gateway with new features and integrations.

NetScaler Console

NetScaler ADM gets a re-vamp with a new name and a stack of new features.

Trending customer conversations

Hybrid cloud service delivery, latency reduction, API security, enhanced service.

Our attendees loved last summer’s live event, here’s some of the great feedback we received:

“An afternoon of rich NetScaler past>present>future>Q&A content at the “NetScaler Tech Update & Summer Social”… was glued to every word… left gobsmacked with so many hot topics; NetScaler Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) and terraform deployments, to name but a few.

Our speakers

Al Taylor

Co-founder & CTO


Neha Harit

Director Product Management


Steven Wright

Principal Product Manager


Jason Poole

Director Product Marketing


Join us

14 February